Proud to be a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
(CSCS) by the NSCA
My Brother in Strength Jesse Ackerman wrote this amazing Children's book... order it on Amazon
With the Beautiful Sally
Any Questions?
My Brother in Strength Dan Burk
Turning a BIG Caber in Germany
The McGlashan Stones at Sorinex
IronMind Fat Handle DB
Presenting at PowerAthlete in Austin TX
The lineup of speakers at Sorinex Summer Strong 9
YEP my name is on there
Front Squatting at WAC
170kg Barbell Rows
Bum Lee of WAC wearing one of my shirts
The Great Al Vermiel
754 pound squat!! I was having some issues concentrating so you can see the chalk handprint ... had to slap my own face!!!
Coaching the Coaches at Franks Brothers Gym in Christchurch NZ
The Gym at ASM Clermont Rugby - France
Ben Franks and Evan Marcus when Ben came over to attend Cleveland Browns NFL Training Camp. It was an awesome week spent with these two great men
Keynote Speaker for the 2017 NSCA Midwest Conference at Texas A&M Corpus Chirsti. The town where my dreams of the Iron Game began to come true
Look at that smile!! My first Coaching job at UTSA while I was an undergrad student
Coaching = Teaching at the 2017 NSCA Midwest Conference
Olympic Medalist Adam Nelson
we were scaring people at Central Market in Houston all fired up talking training
If you don't know who these people are then we cannot be friends
My Journey as a Strength and Conditioning Coach at Uinversity of Houston at Victoria
Coach Mike Burgener
Coach Yox
Big Dave of Stix and Stones
Joe 'Big House' Kenn
Boyd Epely CSCS
Bert Sorin of Sorinex
Melborne Storm NRL Strength and Power Coach Dan DiPasqua.
Bum Lee CSCS
Owner of Westbank Athetic Club
Zach Even-Esh's awesome book Iron Journeys
Among Friends!!!
Big Man can JUMP!!
This was 9 months after Achilles Surgery
Tim Duncan 1999 NBA Championships
Old Strong Guys Rule
We all start our journey somewhere... this is where I started mine
Steve Hansen - All Blacks Head Coach
Shared the stage twice with Legendary Strength and Condititioning Coach Dana LeDuc
Finally made it in MILO Magazine
US Invitational Championships
1998 visting with Terry and Jan Todd at UT-Austin to learn more about Strongman training
The book that started the long journey I've been on, got it in 1978
in 1998 I asked Terry and Jan to sign it for me
Any Questions?
This is actually a quote that All Blacks Prop Ben Franks told me and I used it
1998 Strongman Contest - 375 pound (170kg) Behind the Neck push Press
Of course I'm smiling...
I'm in New Zealand and I'm in the gym Squatting!!!
Coaching All Black Ben Franks
Where I am most comfortable ... Teaching and Preaching from the Squat Racks
My Brother in Strength wrote this amazing Children's book that teaches adults more than it teaches kids!!
My First Year as a Strength and Conditioning Coach at UTSA while I was an undergrad student
Proud to be a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) by the NSCA
Coffee at this awesome place in Corpus Christi Texas out on the Island
Dan Burk and I at Disney World
David Accardo of Stix and Stone
makes the best Strongman Equipment in the World
Dr George Taylor was my favorite professor at UTSA and I'm proud to call him friend. He was responsible for me learning to embrace the learning process and to get the most out of my time at UTSA
Ryan Griffin
All Blacks Head Coach Steve Hansen
All Blacks Forwards at Powerhouse Gym in Wellington and all of them using my training program
The McGlashen Stones at Sorinex
Competing with Ben in a Powerlifting Meet in New Zealand - 2014
snatch high pulls at olympic gym in san antonio tx
Channeling my innner Bob Dickson ...
shut up and squat
squatting big at LSU
I love to squat if you can't tell
Competing in Highland Games in France
all blacks props Ben and Owen franks
Steve Watterson
Strength & Conditioning Coach
Titans & Oilers
High School All American Defenseman Andrew Schwartz - St Mary's Hall
from my first powerlifting meet in 1985
Donnie Maab
Strength & Conditioning Coach
University of Texas
I've been living it these past couple of years and struggling in a toxic enviroment
Turning a Caber in the Highland Games in Germany
Competing in my first Highland Games in 1997
Braemar Stone
Earl linza was the judge and ran so many highland games
1999 NBa championship trophy
Tim Kennedy, Me, Will Sevening, Mike Brungardt, Coach Pop
My NBA Championship Ring -1999
Practice Facility of the San Antonio Spurs
OH SHIT abs on a 285 pounds (130kg)
Old Strong Dude
Going over the training for today with
New Zealand All Black Prop Ben Franks or wondering where are we gonna get a coffee
Braemar Stone at the 2021
Masters World Championships - Austin Texas
Farmers Walk at Westbank Athletic Club
New Orleans - Best Gym in the World
Visiting with my Dad - This is the last time I would see my Dad alive
Richard Sorin aka Pops of Sornix Equpiment at
Summer Strong 2
Rick Gaugler
National & World Champion Powerlifter
(and record holder)
YEAH I'm Curling in the Squat Rack
Competing and Winning the
US Invitational Championships
Spotting Ben on Seated DB Press
In Season Training for Rugby Forwards
PLAE Clinic - Dallas
Mike 'Crono' Cron - All Blacks Scrum Coach working with Ben Franks at Hurricanes Training Camp
Visiting Northampton Saints Rugby
Visiting ASM Clermont Auvergne Rugby-France
Head of Physical Performace at Clermont Rugby Sebastien Bourdin
All Blacks Props Ben and Owen Franks both of who I train
Barbell Rows with 170kg
All Blacks Tighthead Prop Owen Franks
Well Do Ya?!!
Grant Jenkins (AUS) and Dominic (FRA) in Christchurch NZ at Crusaders Camp in 2006
20' x 155 pound caber
Largest Caber turned by a Master and was a World Record that stood for 8 years
USA Prop Paul Mullen after beating Scotland in HJouston Texas in 2018
Dr Terry Todd (RIP)
I miss my friend
David Webster OBE (RIP) and Dr. Bill Crawford at the Memorial Service for Dr. Terry Todd (RIP)
On the porch in New Orleans with Matt Vincent recording a podcast
Jack Holdsworth
Hanging out with the Leganday Dan John
Weightlifting Coach Mike Burgener
Rusty Whitt
when he was Head Strength & Conditioning Coach
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Mike Clark - one of the best Strength and Conditioning Coaches in the World!! Now the Director of Sports Performance for the Detroit Lions
Dan Burk and Darren Williams part of the inspiration for Old Strong Guys Rule
Rock Gullickson
Mark "Hammer" Hammett one of my favorite rugby coaches in the world ... dude is a class act and a great coach
On the field for All Blacks Captain's Run before the game against Ireland at Soldier's Field in Chicago
Dana LeDuc
Keynote Speaker 2017 NSCA Midwest Conference
strong in the correct positions
Speaking at the 2017 NSCA Midwest Conference
Standing room only doing what I love...
Coaching and Teaching
Always Teaching
Dan Burk after training
Kevin 'Yox' Yoxall
Dr Bryan Mann of Texas A&M Uinversity signing my copy of his book Powerlifting
The One and Only Bert Sorin of Sorinex and my friend
Coach Boyd Eply one of the
Founding Fathers of the NSCA
Joe Kenn aka Big House Power
Dan DiPasqua - Strength and Conditioning Coach Melborne Storm NRL
Bum Lee CSCS who is the owner of Westbank Athletic Club in New Orleans Best gym in the World
Al Vermiel - Chicago Bulls
Ben Franks and Evan Marcus in the Cleveland Browns weightroom
Teaching the Girl Scouts how to toss a Caber my first year at AD at the San Antonio Highland Games
Throwing a Champange Cork in France
Lightweight for Distance - France
Picking a caber at the Texas Highland Games Championships
Weight over the Bar at the US INvitational Championships
Thanking God for another great day throwing and winning the US INvitational Championships - 2007
I am Always happy and smiling when tossing a big caber at the US Invitational Championships
Properly named Heatstroke Highland Games
Chris Kendig at USA Bobsled Driver's School
On stage with the 1999 NBA Champion San Antonio Spurs before we head out to greet San Antonio Spurs Fans for the Riverwalk Parade
New Zealand Weghtlifting legend Lee Atrill
Manfred Muehlenhaus at the Kempen Germany Highland Games - my last before I was forced into retirement
Highland Games Royality
what an honor it was to have Terry and Jan todd along with david webster obe visit me at the
san antonio highland games
First time to lift the stones at a friend's gym in Houston and now I have this stone
Ben and I with Warren Trask (RIP) of Powerhouse Gym in Wellington New Zealand
Narvarro Beach Florida
one of my favorite pictures that randy strossen from ironmind ever took of me
us invitational championships in pleasanton ca
weight over bar at the san antonio highland games
if you have to do cardio at least make it enjoyable
World's Strongest Man Competitor Rboert Oberst
Kerry Overfeld
overhead yoke walk
donnie Thompson
Coach Yox
Red Lerille age 85 of REd's gym in lafaytte La
1960 Mr America
told me 'you're an old school coach trapped in a new school world'
Speaking to the Australian Junior National Basketball Team on the importance of strength and Power Training
200 pound DB Rows at the WAC
having fun with a circus db
Cold Morning in New Orleans or did I just want to embarrass Sally when I took her to work....
think we all know the answer!!
Jan and Terry Todd (1998) if I have to tell you who these folks are we cannot be friends
None other than KAZ.
taught me to lift the McGlashlen Stones
Paul Barbee (RIP)
what a great man and influence on my powerlifting career. you can read about him in my blog 'the power of the mind'
Winning the US National Invitational Weight Over Championship
Presenting on my Journey as a Strength and Conditioning Coach at University of Houston at
Randy Strossen at the Pleasanton Highland Games Randy is the owner of IronMind
university of texas olympic weight room
7'1" Will Perdue squatting when he was with the Chicago Bulls ... i have this squat rack
with Greg McWilliams Head Rugby Coach at Yale and an Assistant Coach for USA Rugby
On the movie set in New Orleans
Dana and I answering questions after presenting at Texas A&M Corpus Chirsti
Adam Nelson and I scaring people at Central Market in Houston Texas
adam is an olympic champion shot putter
Robb Rogers is one of the first strength coaches that helped me when i first started on this journey
Texas Highland Games
World's Strongest Man Competitor - Dave Ostland after he taught me to lift the mcglasshen stones at Sorinex Summer Strong- he was the first one to teach me
Hyde Park Gym - Austin Texas
usa eagle and mlr stud prop paul mullen at our favorite coffee shop in gruene texas
behind olympic gym my old training partner and i found a tire repair shop and asked if we could
'flip their tires'
the owner trained at the gym and thought we were crazy
proof that at one time I did Cardio!!!
or is it that i did at just one time!!
on the beautiful shoreline in corpus christi texas
Titan Support Systems - Pete Alaniz
My friend and sponsor since 1984
Can't come home from
San Fran without Chocolates for Sally
ron mCkeefery
Spent a lot of time on these stairs while I was stationed in Germany.
I've ran them, jumped them on two legs and single leg so many times
Walking Tim Duncan off the floor during the NBA Finals in 1999
My Brother in Iron Jesse Ackerman drew this for me
and a Great Message on the back
Sally introduced me to the Transformers when she bought me this keychain.
My buddy Jesse calls me Optimus Ed
jerry partsch at NSCA Clinic at fsu
he was suppose to wear a hawaiian shirt too but chickened out ... hahahah
steffen visk, me and jerry
ben franks, paul mullen & Owen franks after the USA v Japan game
Nic is one of the best trainers at WAC
Kathryn Russel Education Manager for the NSCA who helped guide me passing my CSCS
On Christmas Day while driving on the Beach in Corpus Christi Texas I saw this lonely Christmas tree and thought about my own life ...
kicked to the curb by Sally and then the supposed friend of 40 years I came to visit decided that we can't be friends...
so I was feeling a lot like this tree... alone against the world!!
Unfortunatly I've felt this way too many times before
it's a painful feeling
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