San Antonio, Texas,
,This past weekend saw Darren Williams place first at the Texas Weightlifting Championships and break 3 state records with an 85kg snatch, 100kg clean & jerk to post a 185kg total and qualify for the Masters World Championships. Darren competes in the Masters Division at the 105+kg class 55-59 age class. That 85kg snatch was 10kg more than the record that he set last year while winning a Texas Championship (this was his second) and goes along with the Bronze medal he won at the Masters Pan American Championship in June 2014. Think that as a Masters athlete that its impossible to improve your technique, your strength, your power or your quickness....if you do or have been told that it is impossible then clearly you've got the wrong coach!!! Please feel free to come by and visit PowerSport and see what a real coach with a real program that has a clue how to coach can do for you.
Congratulations let's get back to work we've got more championships to WIN!!!
(footnote to the story Monday while everyone else was celebrating the Martin Luther King Holiday, Darren was in the gym working hard on getting even better and while I read about others who are taking a few weeks off after not even placing I have to ask 'do you really deserve time off if you didn't hit your goals?'
Yeah...I didn't think so well maybe that's why you didn't achieve your goals. Just a little food for thought)
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Play Hard...Train Harder...NO EXCUSES
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