National Strength and Conditioning Association's Midwest Regional Conference is right here in Houston this Friday and Saturday. I was honored when asked to I'm downright excited!!! However I am not really all that comfortable speaking in public but it's something I am working on as I continue to present and look forward to more opportunities in the future to share my love of training. If I was standing on the weightroom floor I'd be good but standing on a stage in front of my peers...damn scary!! I'll be looking in the audience for my friend and colleague Raymond Tucker to keep me focused and on topic. I have been a proud member of the NSCA since 1989 and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) since 1996. I will be presenting on Sandbag Training and NO I am not talking about the pretty sandbags that are balanced with handles...I am talking about heavy, awkward to pick up, grab the damn thing and create a handle with your grip or hug it and get it from point A to point B or pick it up and load it on a tall box or just hug it and start squatting!! Guess if you want to find out why and how I use them in my training programs you will just have to show up and find out!! I will be presenting on Saturday at 2:30-4:00. Afterwards you can find me at the USA vs Ireland Rugby game at Dynamo Stadium.
Play Hard...Train Harder...NO EXCUSES
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