PLay hard ... train harder ... NO Excuses

PowerSport Blog

By Ed Cosner 23 Sep, 2024
A Hard Lesson Learned... once Again
By Ed Cosner 22 Sep, 2024
in a Different Way Than You Think
By Ed Cosner 31 Aug, 2024
Fear Can Be a Powerful Motivator ...
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About Ed Cosner

Ed Cosner has been there.

Having played elite level sports and for the last 25+ years having coached at the high school, collegiate and professional level,  Ed knows what it takes to lead and propel individuals to the next level of athletic performance.

For years Ed has taught and trained with the single goal of bringing out the best in each athlete.

Learn More About Ed

Let’s Talk

If you would like more information on individual or team training programs, having Ed consult with you or your team, or speak at your clinic or event

Please fill out the page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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